Blogs & Opinions

Blogs & Opinions

Our Guide to an Effective IT Managed Service part 4

You have been through the selection process and signed commercial contracts with your new IT Managed Service provider. The focus is now firmly on transitioning the management of your IT to the new service provi...

Blogs & Opinions

Our Guide to an Effective IT Managed Service part 3

When you initiate an RFP for your IT Managed Service, you have one goal in mind; to find a provider whose service, approach, performance and price meet your requirements. Planning your RFP effectively can not o...

Blogs & Opinions

Our Guide to an Effective IT Managed Service part 2

The industry has rapidly evolved over the past twenty years. IT managed services buyers and providers are able to define their requirements and service delivery with more accuracy than ever before. You have com...

Blogs & Opinions

Our Guide to an Effective IT Managed Service

You are tasked with one of the most critical jobs in the company – keeping it running. You may not have a title starting with a ‘C’, but rest assured, the responsibility is huge. The responsibility sitting on y...

Remote IT Support Services
Blogs & Opinions

What’s the best model for Remote IT Support Services for Businesses?

With the emergence of so much new technology that enables people to work from anywhere – while still communicating effectively and accessing all the digital resources they need – many of the traditional questio...

Transforming digital business
Blogs & Opinions

Transforming Brick And Mortar Retailers To Digital Businesses

The future of bricks and mortar retail is bright, despite speculation to the contrary. But it is set for dramatic transformation and you should start preparing now. The rising costs of real estate, customers’ w...

Blogs & Opinions

How to slash IT support costs, improve productivity and transform your competitiveness

Are you struggling to keep up with the pace of technical innovation in your industry? Do your IT development projects keep getting put on hold while you drown in a rising backlog of user requests? Is the cost o...

Blogs & Opinions

Seven reasons to outsource business functions

Outsourcing your business processes can help you achieve a wide range of benefits. It’s a great way of improving quality, reducing costs and expanding your geographic reach. Any business process that can be don...